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News » Operation: Snow Rabbit....die 2te

Operation: Snow Rabbit....die 2te
18.10.2006 - 07:52 von Rod

Moin Mappers, eine neue Version der

Operation: Snow Rabbit

läuft auf de MaP-MaKeRs-Server zum testen, die Story wurde total überarbeitet...bitte Info im Spiel lesen!!!

> Neues Update ist drauf....bitte testen...!!!

hier vorrab ein paar Screens..

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Map - IC-Mod » Control the City ??????
Map - IC-Mod

Control the City ??????
29.09.2006 - 16:29 von Rod


Hi Mappers, so eben schickte uns unser Map-Maker Daniel ein paar heisse Screens.... wird eine neue Coop Map im Style vom IC-MOD v.3...eine Co-Produktion mit den Map-Maker RT-Postman +)

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News » Jotr/Joe Converted Orginalmaps

Jotr/Joe Converted Orginalmaps
28.09.2006 - 11:02 von Rod

)) Mahlzeit Mappers,

unsere Partner-Side die

haben für die Mappers was richtig gutes rausgebraucht!!!!

Jotr/Joe Converted Orginalmaps by Sazza


TKH_C1A - Tenaga Delta X
TKH_C1B - Kabil Oil Tank Farm X
TKH_G1A - Mureau Water Castle X
TKH_G3A - Kombang Valley X
TKH_G3D - Palu Cut Rice Paddies X
TKH_G6A - Karo Highlands X
TKH_I3A - Awan Atoll X
TKH_I5A - Dormant Volcano Isle X
TKP_G1B - Snake River Ruins X
TKP_G1C - Banyan Forest X
TKP_G8A - Two Dragons Gorge X
TKR_C2A - Bumbu Channel X
TKR_G3A - Surga Mtn. Overwatch X
TKR_G6A - Padang River Basin X
TKR_G6B - Kutu Arms Market X
TKX_C1A - Sungai Sabe Lumbermill X
TKX_G4A - Tobo Wetlands X
TKX_G4B - Kecoa Crossroads X
TKX_G5A - Kartone Narrows X
TKX_G5B - Hilltop Excavation X
TKY_C1B - Black Rock Beach X
TKY_G1A - Flooded Village X
TKY_I1DA - Kubong Island Bridge X



TKP_G10A - Klaatu Mines X
TKP_C2A - Typhoon Alley Outpost X
TKP_I4A - Lokat Oil Platforms X
TKR_G8A - Berkabut Valley X
TKX_G12A - Tuwari Rain Temple X
TKX_G13A - Kota Jiwa Ruins X

Mit Loadscreen sogar....da kann man nur sagen verdammt gute Arbeit SaZZa, very good Job +) *)
Wer nähres Wissen will...e-mail zu mir...;)
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News » International Conflict Mod

International Conflict Mod
30.08.2006 - 07:03 von Rod

So moin, einen Tag nach dem wir ihn hatten ist er nun Veröffentlich worden....

International Conflict Mod v.3

IC v3 Release Notes
-Skins: IC skins totally revamped, some smaller changes to stock skins. IC skins are now country-generic.
-Terrains: R8Bob terrain pack (a big TY to the author for his permission to use), a WWI trench style terrain, a mayan temple style terrain
-Weapons: Thermite grenade (anti-vehicle, also destroys S&D targets), CAR15. A large number of small changes have been made to weapon characteristics for better balance and more interesting gameplay. For example, body armor now has a more significant impact. These changes are not intended to change "the way the game plays". Sniper rifles can no longer kill tanks/APCs. A number of weapon sights have also been modified. Some weapons reskinned.
-Bots: over 40 bots added, including desert and snow bots and bots with different weapons. Pre-existing bots have been changed back to stock behavior (no bots proning on you), but you can still add them to maps. Bot documentation updated.
-Vehicle husks now work (previously would only show on the server host and not the clients). However, they have new ID numbers so you will have to add them to maps. The existing (and non-working) husks are no-tool'd and will not appear in NILE.
-Buildings/objects highlights: power plant, tunnel system, DF2 inspired buildings (most destroyable), large camo nets, power grid pylons, climbable pully, destroyable walls and fireplace
-Vehicles: Desert M1A1 skin modified, jungle T80 added (2 options), 2 more Puma skin options, added 1 desert Ka52
-Flags have been returned to stock (no longer US/Iraq), IC labeled flags are now country-generic.
-Added selector sound to rifles
-Fixed one of the stock graffiti objects that we messed up some time ago.
-OH58 choppers strengthened a bit to make up for the collision box on the rotors allowing you to hit the empty space between.
-IC:BHD Target Building B was missing 3di, fixed
-BHD additions: colombian rope bridge, medevil fortress set, above ground bunker firing wall set
-Green directional arrow for vehicle driving made smaller

If you already have the IC mod, download and run the patch (80MB):
If you do not have the IC mod, download and run the full installer (360MB):

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Map - IC-Mod » IC-Mod v.3
Map - IC-Mod

IC-Mod v.3
29.08.2006 - 21:02 von Rod


IC-Mod v.3

Tja, ich weiss es auch nicht, aber wir haben da uns zugeflogen

läuft zur Zeit auf


und auch auf den

[SD] IC-Mod v.3


Ps: Der IC-Mod v.3 ist noch nicht öffentlich draußen, es gibt wohl eine Undichtestelle ,lol, bei uns wir es ihn erst geben, wenn er Freigegeben worden ist, für die die ihn schon haben, naja...die können ja schonmal vorab testen!!! grosses Lachen

Aufgehts neue Mappen bauen....
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