News » Delta Force Angel Falls.

Delta Force Angel Falls.
15.05.2008 - 20:34 von KR-Nevada

Hallo Mappers,
da habe ich doch noch etwas unter Gerüchteküche gefunden:

Nova - Insider news ?

Delta Force Angel Falls.

Angel Falls is being built on a completely new
game engine, as I am told. The graphics and
playability are, in his words, comparable to Crisis.
Angel Falls is going to be launched on at least 3
platforms. Angel Falls is 'Delta Force' and will be
in the same spirit of BHD, and not a copycat
version of JO, JOE or DFX.

Map making will still exist, but it will be mostly Nile
based while preserving the MEDS we use now. Nova
has a MED that allows them 'to change terrains on
the fly', which is nothing like we have seen yet, also
the terrains are, as I understood it, editable, he
(Nova Mod) was explaining to me that he was building
a cave into the side of a mountian styled after the
flat plateau mountinas in Mexico.

There will be drivable and flyable vehicles.

Delta Force Cuba
The PS3 and XBOX format of Angel Falls

No other info was given.

Time frame for release.
Christmas 2008

Demo will be available possibly 6
months prior to the release.


Also Zeit für die Demo ist ja dann bald, mal schauen wann Nova mit den Säbeln rasselt.

KR-Nevada News
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